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Impact of the Development of IKN Nusantara, Podomoro Bay Mall Becomes a Target for Tenants


After the recovery of Mall Plaza Balikpapan and Balikpapan Trade Center following the pandemic, the Superblock Borneo Bay City area will introduce a new shopping center called Podomoro Bay Mall on Tuesday (January 31, 2023).

The shopping center is targeted to be operational in the coming year of 2025. This is also due to the development of the National Capital or IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan, which is gaining momentum.

"The development of the IKN has a significant impact on the shopping centers in Balikpapan. We can see that the visitor numbers at our two malls have been increasing and gradually recovering after the pandemic. We are also preparing for Podomoro Bay Mall. The target is for it to be operational by 2024," said Aries Adriyanto, the General Manager of Mall Plaza Balikpapan and also the Chairman of the Indonesian Shopping Center Association (APPI) in East Kalimantan.

He mentioned that the mall will have a branded mall concept with a capacity of 180 tenants.

Interestingly, many investors have already registered to occupy the tenants in Podomoro Bay Mall.

"Currently, there are 150 tenants who have made bookings. So, it's a first-come, first-served basis," he explained.

He added that they are currently curating the tenants to align with the market needs in East Kalimantan, especially in the city of Balikpapan.

"We will launch it at the earliest in early 2025 and at the latest in the second semester," he concluded. (*)