
Podomoro Vaganza: Answering the High Demand for Housing Properties

Bank Indonesia forecasts that Indonesia's economy will grow by 4.7-5.5% in 2024. This strong economic growth is supported by the continuation of various National Strategic Projects across different regions and the development of private properties due to various government incentives.

Domestic demand and purchasing power also remain strong. This is evidenced by various indicators such as the consumer confidence index, retail sales index, and manufacturing index, all of which are in the optimistic zone.

Borneo Bay City Seizes Opportunities in IKN Development, Sales Increase, and Phase 2 Soho Preparation Underway

Borneo Bay City once again held a Loyal Customer Private Gathering to introduce a series of units in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan. Complete with various promotions and featuring Indonesian Idol alumna, Nania Yusuf.

The event, which took place at Novotel Balikpapan Hotel on Saturday (11/25/2023) evening, also invited several partners and loyal customers.

One Step Closer to the New Capital City

It's been more than two years since President Joko Widodo announced that the capital city of Indonesia would move from Jakarta to East Kalimantan. Relocating the capital city is a monumental event, so it requires long and thorough preparations. Unfortunately and inevitably, these preparations were slightly hampered by the ongoing pandemic. Some of the preparations include but are not limited to the development of infrastructure, the environment, as well as the people, those who are now citizens and those who will later move to the New Capital City (NCC). Currently, around 100,000 people are living in East Kalimantan. This number is expected to jump to 700,000 by 2025 and to 1.5 million by 2035.

Trihatma Kusuma Haliman, Inspiring in Harmony

In the property industry, almost everyone knows the name Trihatma Kusuma Haliman, Chief Executive Officer of Agung Podomoro Group. As the successor of Anton Haliman, Trihatma joined Agung Podomoro Group since 1973 and under his excellent leadership, Agung Podomoro Group overcame the crisis period and grew even further to be the largest property developer in Indonesia.